Treat Yourself At Home While Mild Case Of COVID-19

treat yourself

Many Indians have stocked other items in preparation for food and social supplies. But when you can have enough toilet paper to last through the summer, have you thought that you really need to contract COVID-19 and What will you need to do if you need to self-quarantine? Despite the shutdown and other unprecedented steps to slow the spread of COVID-19, the epidemic and Experts believe that most people will eventually get easily transmitted viral disease for which there is no natural immunity in humans. Good news: An estimated 80 percent of people with COVID-19 in China experienced only mild to moderate symptoms. Meaning you can recover at home.

Make Some Plans For Treat Yourself at Home: COVID-19

  • Make sure that you have a list of emergency contacts, a plan to communicate with family, friends, and co-workers, and know-how to get food delivered if possible.
  • Organize a 2- to a 4-week supply of food, cleaning materials such as sanitizing wipes and soap, and basic household staples such as toilet paper and facial tissue.
  • When you are planning your food supplies, think of food that will store well and be nutritious such as rice, pasta, canned or dried beans, dried fruit, soups, and frozen vegetables as well as pet food.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables are also important for health and healing.
  • Fruit and vegetables provide loads of essential nutrients and there are ways to extend their shelf-life and make them more convenient.

Shopping List For Treat Yourself At Home: COVID-19

Clean Water

Water should be at the top of the list of supplies you’ll need in the event you contract COVID-19. It is a viral infection and like most viral infections, treatment is all about comfort and keeping well enough while your body heals.

Pain Medication

The most useful medicine is something to decrease headaches, body aches, and fever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol). Many people also use ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), but there has been some concern especially from Europe that ibuprofen is less safe, though there’s no direct evidence that this is true. Still, if you want to be extra careful, use acetaminophen instead.


Viral droplets spread by coughing, sneezing, or spitting is one of the primary ways that COVID-19 spreads from person to person. Have plenty of tissues on hand to help prevent transmitting it to other people in your family.

Cough Medicine

Many people with COVID-19 have a strong cough. If you have asthma or any other respiratory condition, it’s essential that you continue to take your routine respiratory medicines, and follow your asthma action plan or any similar instructions from your doctor for the use of rescue medications.

Prescription Medicines

If you have asthma or another respiratory illness, be sure to have extra inhalers and other medications on hand. The same is true of any other chronic illnesses you may have, since having conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and immune system disorders place you at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19.

Entertainment Options

It’s important that you also take care of your mental health during self-isolation. So, you should carry Games, movies, books, and other Entertainment Options.