How does Cholesterol Harm Your Health?

Cholesterol can harm health

Cholesterol is necessary for every human being to build healthy cells, but there is a high risk of cholesterol never rising as it can cause various heart diseases. When you have high cholesterol, fatty deposits can easily build up in your blood vessels. As these deposits grow regularly, they make it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries. The presence of cholesterol in our body is not bad, our body needs a certain amount of cholesterol, which produces vitamin D, hormones, and various digestive fluids. It also helps our organs to work properly.

High cholesterol can damage our arteries and contribute to various heart diseases. It also increases the risk of stroke. We should check our cholesterol levels regularly by consulting a doctor. When we visit a doctor, we know that we are not at risk for various heart diseases. We need to eat right, exercise daily, and change our lifestyle. We should meditate regularly as it reduces the complications associated with heart disease and improves our lives. The high amount of cholesterol in our body also damages our brain to function properly. The excess cholesterol in our body can lead to strokes, which can affect blood flow and blood distribution to different parts of our body. It can also cause memory loss, difficulty moving, speaking, swallowing, and many other functions.
High blood cholesterol levels have been linked to memory loss and problems with various mental functions. When we have high cholesterol, we can accelerate the formation of amyloid-beta plaques. In addition to a sticky protein deposit that can damage our brains and cause a disease called Alzheimer’s.

Digestive System:

In our body, cholesterol is an essential bile substance as it helps our body in breaking down food and absorption of nutrients. When you have a lot of cholesterol in your bile, it forms crystals in your gallbladder. Stones cause so much pain in our bodies.
We need to monitor our cholesterol levels by recommending regular blood tests to reduce the risk of heart disease as it helps us improve our overall quality of life.

Nervous System:

The fact that cholesterol is an essential component of the human brain as it makes up 25% of the body is essential for the development and protection of various nerve cells that are activated in our brain so that we can communicate with the rest of our body, but excess cholesterol can lead to strokes which can damage different parts of our body and especially the brain. It builds up plaque in our coronary arteries, which are destroyed by the flow of oxygen in our blood to our heart muscles. Angina is not a heart attack, but it is a signal that tells you that you are at risk of a heart attack. This causes chest pain in our body, and the hardening of the arteries is also caused by high cholesterol.

Cholesterol is of two types:

  • Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
  • It is a type of cholesterol that builds up unhealthy kinds of cholesterol that can form from arteries to fatty wax and these deposits are called junk.

  • High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
  • It is a type of cholesterol that carries excess amounts of cholesterol that are formed in the arteries to the liver, which removes it from our body.

    Keeping a check on your cholesterol level is necessary as it may harm your health. Take consultation from Dr. Atul Kasliwal, a heart specialist doctor in Jaipur to prevent yourself from a heart attack or any other heart disease.