How To Improve Cholesterol – Less Cholesterol Less Heart Problems

Atherosclerosis is a form of Heart Disease and when there is too much cholesterol in your blood then you have to suffer from this heart problem. Blood is important for carrying oxygen to the heart so, enough blood and oxygen do not reach your heart then you have to suffer from chest pain and heart attack. After that, you can understand that Cholesterol is a major problem for Heart. So, in this article, we are going to tell you how to improve cholesterol.

Eat Heart-Healthy Foods

Food has the main role to gain or less cholesterol, so you have to be aware of eating. If you eat heart-healthy foods then you can control your cholesterol. You should eat Leafy Green Vegetables, Whole Grains, Berries, Avocados, Fatty Fish and Fish Oil, Walnuts, Beans, Dark Chocolate, Tomatoes, Almonds, Seeds, Garlic, Olive Oil and Edamame.

Increase Your Physical Activity

If you increase your physical activity then you can control your cholesterol. You should use stairs rather than lift and you should exercise at least one time in a week.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is very dangerous for heart disease and you have to keep away from a healthy heart. If you control your smoking habits then you will control your cholesterol.

Lose Weight

Look for ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine, such as using the stairs instead of taking the elevator or parking farther from your office. Take walks during breaks at work. Try to increase standing activities, such as cooking or doing hard work.

Change Lifestyle

You should change your lifestyle to control your cholesterol. You should walk after eating and if possible then morning is the best for improving cholesterol.